2024 Recap: What People Are Saying About the EEASY Lid
In 2024, influencers shared their experiences with the EEASY Lid, praising how this accessible packaging solution takes the struggle out of opening stubborn jar lids and makes cooking more convenient. Consumer response to these influencers shared a common theme – people want products that are easy to open and wish all jars were topped with this innovative packaging design.
Influencers said:
- “Push, twist, and open is the new happy dance in my kitchen! The revolutionary EEASY Lid makes opening a jar a dream”
- “Not only are Chilau Foods products delicious, but their state-of-the-art EEASY Lid makes these jars so easy to open”
- “Say goodbye to the struggle of opening stubborn jars! Thanks to [Chilau’s] partnership with the EEASY Lid, effortless cooking is just a twist away”
- “The EEASY Lid is not only EEASY to remove, but also easy to put back on the jar”
- “Why the EEASY Lid is so important – this product makes cooking accessible for those with disabilities and handicaps (nearly 1/5 of the population). These lids give people dignity and hope”
- “The beef stock from Chilau Foods is the best of both worlds: it’s tasty and easy to open unlike most glass jars. All you have to do is push the middle of the lid down, twist, and enjoy.”
Consumers responded to these posts with comments like:
- “That is such a cool lid! No husband needed!”
- “Love helpful inventions like this.”
- “That is so cool!!!”
- “Need!!! Where do they sell this?”
- “This is my kind of recipe!! Also love an easy-open jar because…somehow I got old”
- “Oh my goodness why aren’t all jar lids like this? So good!”
- “What!?! So crazy easy!”
- “I have not heard of that jar or that sauce, but I want to try both.”
- “I love the lids.”
- “Lol that’d be perfect if I don’t have to ask fiancé to open tough lids anymore.”
- “I wish that all [jarred] products had an EEASY Lid.”
Read more about regular people’s experience with the EEASY Lid below.
That’s a wrap on 2024.
In 2025, we’ll continue partnering with more brands to get the EEASY Lid on jarred products across the globe to give consumers the easiest, most accessible, and best jar opening experience.