It’s a Costly Mistake to Let Your Brand Packaging Deter Senior Shoppers

Older consumers, a large and growing market segment with considerable buying power, represent a lucrative untapped opportunity for many brands. While senior consumers are a growing market segment with significant disposable income, brands are still overlooking the needs of these consumers.

As the number of older shoppers continues to increase, companies that provide packaging designed to meet their needs and create a better overall experience have a massive opportunity to attract these so-called “silver shoppers” and earn their loyalty.

Today, there are approximately 62 million adults ages 65 and older living in the U.S., accounting for 18% of the population. By 2054, 84 million adults ages 65 and older will make up an estimated 23% of the population, according to the Pew Research Center.

More than half of all wealth is held by Baby Boomers (people born between 1946 and 1964) and the Silent Generation (people born between 1928 and 1945). A report from Circana notes that “consumers aged 55 and older have consistently demonstrated their overall spending strength and continue to be the only age group to increase their spending on discretionary general merchandise.” Circana data reveals that average monthly spending among this age group is up 4% in the first four months of 2024, while all other age groups combined declined 2%.

One of the keys to capturing some of the considerable spending power of older consumers is through accessible packaging.

Packaging accessibility and usability are increasingly important to an aging population that often struggles with arthritis, weakened grip strength, and reduced manual dexterity. In the U.S., over 47% of adults 65 and older struggle with arthritis. These and other aging related challenges are driving a growing demand for packaging that is easy to open and handle. Research firm Market Research Future estimated the value of the senior friendly packaging market at $4.73 billion in 2023 and projects this market will grow to $7.10 billion by 2032.

Source: Market Research Future

Given the growing senior population and rising demand for accessible packaging, brands can’t afford to ignore the need for senior-citizen-friendly packaging.

Packaging that is not accessible – jars that are a struggle to open are at the top of this list – is frustrating for all consumers, but even more so for seniors looking to maintain their independence. Brands with hard to open and handle packaging risk alienating older consumers and missing out on the opportunity to attract and retain shoppers from this lucrative market segment.

Another key to capturing market share among senior shoppers is sustainable packaging.

Older consumers are increasingly considering sustainability when making product purchases. This cohort, like other consumers, is becoming more environmentally conscious, choosing products that are eco-friendly and easily recyclable.

Recent Shopkick survey results reported by Chain Store Age revealed that concern about sustainability is not just for younger generations. The survey found that 38% of Baby Boomers would be willing to pay more for products that are sustainably sourced and packaged, and 40% of Boomers actively seek out eco-friendly products.


Accessible and sustainable packaging differentiates products from the competition, influences purchasing decisions, and helps create meaningful connections with all consumers – including seniors, who are among the most brand-loyal customers.

The EEASY Lid is accessible and sustainable packaging that appeals to the most junior and senior of shoppers. The first jar lid innovation in 80 years, the EEASY Lid provides unparalleled accessibility, reducing the amount of torque needed to twist off a jar lid by up to 50%. Made of recyclable aluminum, the EEASY Lid also helps brands deliver on consumer preferences for sustainable packaging.

Brands that ignore the needs of senior shoppers are turning away sales from a large and valuable market segment. Don’t let packaging deter seniors from purchasing your products. Partner with us to adopt the EEASY Lid – packaging that works for all consumers.

Contact us today to learn more.

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