Industry Trends: The Importance of Sustainable Packaging

Over the past few years, the environmental impact of packaging has gained importance across the industry. Many manufacturers are beginning to seek out new approaches to allow for more sustainable packaging solutions, creating a high demand for new innovative technology. One of these new approaches is the use of aluminum over steel, plastic, or other products that aren’t environmentally friendly.

A recent article from Packaging World highlights this growing need for sustainable packaging among product manufacturers and the shifts that are starting to take place within the industry. The article details the new product from Perfect Hydration – an ultra-purified water company—that launched a recyclable aluminum can. Perfect Hydration specifically created a product using aluminum because it is 100% recyclable – a factor that many consumers are beginning to take notice of when purchasing goods.

The piece also shares that many large water brands, such as Aquafina and Dasani, are in the process of switching to aluminum cans instead plastic bottles to meet the growing demand of sustainability. When shopping, consumers are now opting to choose products that are proven to be environmentally-friendly and align with their core values, which for many include keeping our planet green.

The trend of switching to environmentally friendly materials – like aluminum – when it comes to manufacturing goods is only projected to increase, as consumers continue to shop with sustainability in mind. According to an article in NS Packaging, a study conducted by IBM earlier this year showed 57% of the consumers involved in the study wanted to change their purchasing habits to help reduce negative environmental impacts.

As we continue to see this trend increase within the industry, we are excited for an announcement of our own with a focus on sustainability and the use of aluminum. Set to launch next month, this announcement will be our largest endeavor to date and we cannot wait to join the packaging industry in shifting efforts to ensure we keep our planet safe.

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